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Building a drain field.
Dig a hole at the end of your leach system pipes to expose them.
How to build a septic drain field step 1.
While all septic tank drain fields require regular inspection you can save a lot of money by digging one yourself.
The field should be at least 10 feet away from your edible garden and any water such as a lake river or well.
Using the shovel dig the drain field.
Use a shovel to dig your hole being careful not to hit or damage the leach pipe with the blade.
Overall it is not recommended to build over your leach filed and you should also not put anything heavy on top of it such as parking a vehicle.
Soil tests can generally be done by the local department of.
Check with your local county office and health department to determine if a permit is required or if the health.
Gravelless chamber leach beds work great but if the soil gets saturated with phosphates soap it will not drain fast enough causing odor and back up of.
Step 1 choose your site you will want to choose a site that is away from the house but close to the tank.
The weight of many large trucks driving over a drain field will crack the pipes in the drain field and compact the soils.
Compacted soil in a drain field will decrease the drain field s ability to drain.
The biggest issue that can arise from construction near a drain field is the damage caused by heavy construction equipment.
Check the blueprints of your property so you can locate where the leach field s pipes end.
Check the soil to determine its absorption capacity.
The hole should be 2 feet wide 4 to 6 feet deep and approximately 20 feet long.